Exclamation Points Are Your Enemy !!!! Marketing Articles | December 5 https://www.salejordansforcheap.com/ , 2001 Dear Online Marketer: Do your ads look like this?: ** Best Home Business In The Universe!!!!!! ** Earn $20,000 Your First Week!!!!!!!!! ** YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS ! ! ! ! ** INCREDIBLE ! ! ! ! ** FANT...
Dear Online Marketer: Do your ads look like this?:
** Best Home Business In The Universe!!!!!! ** Earn $20,000 Your First Week!!!!!!!!! ** YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS ! ! ! ! ** INCREDIBLE ! ! ! ! ** FANTASTIC PAYOUT ! ! ! ! !!!!
If the sentences above resemble the ad copy you?re using online, I can tell you why the money?s not rolling in: You?re killing your credibility, which kills your sales. The exclamation point is the most over-used and abused character on the keypad these days Jordan Shoes Wholesale , and the "quotation" key is getting mighty jealous. (I?ll explain what that means in a minute.)
Much in the same ways that insecure kids become bullies in the schoolyard to compensate for their weaknesses, unsure online marketers are littering their sales pitches with enough exclamation points to declare the internet a disaster area.
Tell-Tale Sign
If you feel your sales pitch needs a few dozen exclamation points to raise the enthusiasm level, it?s a sure sign that your ad copy is weak and needs improving. Stating the benefits of your product with quiet self-assurance and backing it up with concrete facts, enthusiastic comments, and real testimonials will beat exclamation points any day of the week. (Testimonials don?t get used nearly enough online - that?s what I meant about the ?quotation? key being jealous.)
2) Our top rep earned $127,432 last year, and many others earned between $41,489 and $105,995. This proven product almost sells itself Cheap Jordan Shoes Wholesale , and with our ongoing one-on-one help, you can do the same. Remember: We?ll be by your side every step of the way.
(Did you choose #2? So does everyone else.)
1) Our MLM is incredible!!!!!! Your downline does all the work!!!!! Most generous payout in the industry!!!! There?s nothing else like this!!!!! Sign up now!!!!!!!
2) If you?re wary of MLM programs or have had bad luck with them in the past, I understand your skepticism. MLM has gotten a bad rap from some fly-by-night companies selling shady products. Let me assure you that our program is completely different from anything you?ve seen before. With our top-quality product, experienced leadership, and generous pay structure Cheap Jordan Shoes Online , we are positioned for success - especially for those who get in on the ground floor. Sign up right now and get all the facts immediately. If you?re not convinced it?s everything I?ve said it is and more, your membership fee will be cheerfully refunded.
(Deal with known concerns - It makes your offer more believable.)
As you can see from the above examples, here?s the bad news: Writing without exclamation points requires more ad copy. (I call that bad news because for the person trying to write the ad, it seems like more "work".) In fact, when I re-work an ad that is riddled with !!!!?s Cheap Authentic Jordan Shoes , sometimes the ad winds up being 3 times longer than before.
The good news is that longer ad copy is necessary to make the point and to make the sale, and it maximizes your chances of success.
If you?re still not convinced: Have you ever noticed that on your favorite television sitcoms you never notice the laugh-track? ...That?s because you?re laughing at the same time. On really BAD sitcoms, the laugh-track can drive you crazy with its inane guffawing after every line. That?s because the lines aren?t funny, so the canned laughs feel forced and remind you how bad the show really is.
The same goes with exclamation points. When they naturally follow an unusual or strong statement, you don?t even notice them. But when they follow sentences that just aren?t convincing or exciting Cheap Jordan Shoes From China , they seem forced and actually DRAW ATTENTION to the fact that the ad doesn?t seem genuine or effective.
The internet community is an intelligent, educated bunch. They?re more likely to read U.S. Weekly than The National Enquirer. They won?t be sold by empty hype and incomplete explanations. In addition, a good percentage of them have been taken advantage of through the internet before. They?re wary - and for good reason. Using too many exclamation points is the sign of an amateur, and people want to deal with professionals.
So go forward, be fruitful Cheap Jordan Shoes , and un-multiply. (Your exclamation points, that is!)
Disputing Auto Repair Bills Autos Articles | August 6, 2011 If you believe you?ve been overcharged or are unhappy with the repairs you?ve received at your local auto repair shop, you should know that you have the right to dispute the costs. Many shops will...
If you believe you?ve been overcharged or are unhappy with the repairs you?ve received at your local auto repair shop, you should know that you have the right to dispute the costs. Many shops will pay fixed prices for parts, but often have a large amount of leeway in regard to the labor fees. When it comes to the total amount of your auto repair, many items will be negotiable. The idea here, of course, is to get your keys back from the shop alongside a bill that you can live with. In this article, we will walk you through the process involved in an auto repair bill dispute.